Monday, April 19, 2010

Delivery Day

As I sit here and watch Christine try to get a little sleep before the delivery starts, a few things are going through my head. First, I want the delivery to go smoothly and not put her through too much pain. Second, will I be a good father?

Let's look at each of these....
1. I know that the delivery won't be pain free, and the fact that we had to induce won't help matters any but still, I don't want her to go through too much pain. I can take comfort in the fact that I am here for her and will be by her side throughout the whole ordeal.

2. I love kids, and everyone says that I will be a good or even a great dad, but how do you know for sure? I will give her all the love that a parent can give a child that they have waited so long to have. The fact that I am having her with the woman that I love with 1000% of my heart and can't imagine going through life without, is the most wonderful thing in the world.

I will do my best to be a good parent and I am sure that I will make mistakes, after all, I am not perfect. All I can do is give it the best shot I can and hope to God that we raise her to be an upstanding young woman.

Keep looking for more as I update this blog.

Thank You,

1 comment:

  1. Tom, you will have a million things to blog about from the first minute you see her!!!
    love you all! Gin
